Quick Java Tutorial

Learn the basics of Java programming. Covering variables, conditionals, loops, methods, classes, and objects.


On this page we will cover


/* Syntax: Type variableName = VALUE; */

int wholeNumber = 93;
double numberWithDigits = 46.85;

String text = "words and stuff";

boolean isValid = true;
boolean isNegative = -3 < 0;

MyObject obj = new MyObject();


if (boolean1) {
    // if boolean1 is true
} else if (boolean2) {
    // if boolean1 is false but boolean2 is true
} else {
    // if boolean1 and boolean2 were both false


while (isLoopActive) {
    // keep doing something
// isLoopActive became false
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { // start with i=0, increment i each time, continue while i < 5
    // do something 5 times

Class Methods

/* Syntax: keywords returnType methodName(ParameterType parameterName, ...) { */

public static final double divide(int dividend, double divisor) {
    double quotient = dividend / divisor;
    return quotient;

private void moveForward(double inches) {
    // code to move forward [inches] inches
    // don't need to return, as returnType is 'void'

public abstract void overrideMeLater;



public class ClassName {
    // class variables here
    String name;
    // constructor
    public ClassName() {
        this("default name");
    public ClassName(String name) {
        this.name = name;
    // class methods here
    public String getName() {
        return name;

Using Objects

// Creating objects
MyObject objName1 = new MyObject();
MyObject objName2 = new MyObject("Second try");

// Calling methods

// Using return values
String output = objName1.toString() + " | " + objName2.toString();

// Note: objects are just unique instances of a class; 
//       you can have multiple of the same class

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