Having the correct tools will improve your efficiency a lot when building the robot.
Basic tools
Safety glass:
Note it is required to wear safety glass in competition
Philips screw drivers
Hex Drivers and Keys
2.5/3mm hex (goBILDA)
7/64” hex (Actobotics)
We recommend to buy the ball head hex drivers for easy use, and also buy the T style hex driver to completely tighten the screws sometimes.
7 mm wrench (goBILDA)
Power Drill and drill bits
Metal file
ziptie cutter
Ziptie (very useful)
Tool box to organize tools and parts
Other useful tools
Damaged Screw Extractor Set
super useful when the screw is broken
Soldering kit
Your screw will get loosen. Apply loctile to prevent that
Band saw
Drill press (for better precision)
Last updated